Hipporay Daycare
Making Learning Fun for Little Ones!


Do you have questions for us? Hopefully, we have all the answers!

  1. 1 What age group is the Mixed-Age Activity Box designed for?
  2. 2 Why should I choose your activities box ?
  3. 3 Can I start my subscription to the Mixed-Age Activity Box or the Tot Box at any time?
  4. 4 If I subscribe now but my group changes before my subscription ends, can I make changes?
  5. 5 If I can’t continue my subscription, may I cancel it?
  6. 7 Will the themes in the Mixed-Age Activity Boxes be the same next year?
  7. 8 Can I order an Activity Box from a previous month?
  8. 9 When are new Activity Boxes ready?
  9. 10 How is the material presented in the box?
  10. 11 What will I find in the “Hipporay Club” section of the website?
  11. 12 How can I access the “Hipporay Club”?
  12. 13 How long will it take to process my order?
  13. 15 How long does shipping take?
  14. 16 Can I return an ordered product?


1. What age group is the Mixed-Age Activity Box designed for?

The Mixed-Age Activity Box is designed for daycare providers with a group of children from 18 months to 5 years old (including infants). Therefore, in a home daycare setting, younger children can easily do a large portion of the activities, following the older children’s lead.

2. Why should I choose your activities box ?

  • Parce qu'on comprend votre réalité. On sait que votre journée n'est pas terminée quand le dernier enfant quitte le service de garde. On est là pour vous soutenir dans votre quotidien.
  • Notre planification est flexible et vous laisse beaucoup de latitude, vous encourageant à être à l’écoute des petits et ainsi adapter le programme à leurs besoins.
  • Nos activités vous assurent de répondre au développement global des enfants de votre groupe. Elles encouragent l’apprentissage actif en offrant des choix aux enfants, tant au niveau des activités que dans leur déroulement.
  • Nos activités ne prennent qu’une petite partie de la journée, et rien n’empêche de profiter d’apprentissages plus spontanés le reste du temps.
  • Notre trousse vous permet d’avoir plus de temps pour observer les enfants et identifier leurs besoins.
  • Que vous soyez bien reposée et que vous ayez bien planifié vos activités est primordial et vous permet de répondre plus facilement aux besoins des petits et même d’être plus créative dans vos interventions. D’ailleurs, c’est une des choses que nos clientes nous répètent le plus souvent : l’utilisation de nos trousses encourage leur créativité et celle des enfants !

3. Can I start my subscription to the Mixed-Age Activity Box or the Tot Box at any time?

Of course. Your subscription can start at any time and continue until the following year without any problem.

4. If I subscribe now but my group changes before my subscription ends, can I make changes?

Oui, nous pouvons faire n’importe quel ajustement (une augmentation ou une réduction du nombre d’enfants), il suffit de nous faire parvenir la demande par écrit avant le 1er jour du mois avant la prochaine trousse. (Par exemple, pour apporter un changement à la trousse de mars, vous devez nous aviser avant le 1er février.)

5. If I can’t continue my subscription, may I cancel it?

Yes. If you decide to cancel your subscription, you just need to let us know in writing at least two weeks before the shipment of your next Activity Box. However, since you committed to buying 10 Activity Boxes, the difference between the amount of an individual Activity Box purchase price and a subscription price will be billed to you for each Activity Box received.

17 Will the themes in the Mixed-Age Activity Boxes be the same next year?

Not at all, we offer different themes for at least 4 years. Thereafter, certain themes will be used again. However, each theme will be redone, each Activity Guide will be rewritten and illustrated, each poster, each story and each game will be new and different in order to offer you a new and improved Activity Box. We want to continue to offer you the best there is.

8. Can I order an Activity Box from a previous month?

Certainly. All of our Activity Boxes are offered until they run out of stock. These boxes are shipped quickly.

9. When are new Activity Boxes ready?

Each new Mixed-Age Activity Box is ready and shipped around the 5th day of the previous month. For example, if you order on April 15th, you will receive your May Activity Box quickly. On the other hand, if you order before April 5th, you will have to wait a little bit. For subscribers, the packages are shipped between the 5th and the 10th day of the month prior to the Activity Box’s month, leaving you ample time to acquaint yourself with the product.

10. How is the material presented in the box?

Over the last few years, we have tried hard to reduce the use of plastic bags in our Activity Boxes. Just like you, we are aware of the impact of our behaviour on the environment. Since May 2009, the Arts & Crafts supplies have been grouped into 2 thematic bags (one bag for the Tot Box). Everything is put into place to make it easier to use. In each bag, you will find the list of necessary supplies for each of the activities as well as an illustration of the craft. This way of operation reduces the numbers of bags used by at least 200,000 per year!

11. What will I find in the “Hipporay Club” section of the website?

Each subscriber will have complete access to the “Hipporay VIP Club” section:

  • A section related to the Activity Box of the month (with a large variety of printable games grouped by age, for example: picture cards for 1-year-olds, a short story for 2-year-olds, a game for 3-year-olds, printables to assemble an alphabet scrapbook for 4 and 5-years-olds, etc.)
  • A section offering over 150 organisational and planning tools to help you manage your daycare

Customers who buy Activity Boxes individually will still have access to the bonus documents related to the Activity Box of that month.

12. How can I access the “Hipporay Club”?

When purchasing Mixed-Age Activity Boxes, Tot Boxes or Daily Journals, you will create an account with your email address and will be asked to create a password. Then, on the 20th day of the month before using your Mixed-Age Activity Box (or the 25th day of the month before using your Tot Box), the free extras will be added to your account!

The type of purchase you make will determine the tools that you will be able to access (the Hipporay VIP Club for subscribers, the monthly bonus Hipporay Club for an individual Box purchase, or the Journal’s Corner). The documents will remain in your account for a period of 60 days following an individual purchase or for the duration of your subscription.

13. How long will it take to process my order?

We have extraordinary customer service! Purchases are processed and products are shipped within 24 to 48 hours. Often, the product is shipped the same day that we receive the order. We can’t be any faster than that! Naturally, our offices are closed on weekends and the ordered product must be available (for example, December’s Activity Box won’t be available until November 5th).

15. How long does shipping take?

Nous utilisons les services d’expédition « Colis accéléré » de Postes Canada, ce qui veut dire que la livraison de votre colis prend environ de 1 à 4 jours (cela peut varier selon l’endroit d’où vous commandez, évidemment). Pour les commandes de l’extérieur du Québec, le délai est un peu plus long mais ne dépasse généralement pas les 3 à 8 jours. Lors de l’expédition, un courriel vous sera envoyé avec votre numéro de repérage et les détails de la livraison.

16. Can I return an ordered product?

Our main goal is customer satisfaction! If, upon opening your box, the product doesn’t meet your expectations, return it intact and we will refund you, guaranteed! However, you will have to pay the shipping fees (in both directions). Please note that the Activity Worksheet and Colouring Page sets are not refundable.